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Apple’s iOS 14 update

June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017 Victor Irene

Key highlights and impact of Apple’s iOS 14 update.


The world of digital advertising has been shaken up with the announcement of Apple’s iOS14 update.

What is the iOS14 Update?

The update has been designed to ask for user permission before allowing apps to track their data, severely impacting the digital landscape of advertisement.

Impact on Digital

Advertising Mobile app advertisers will be significantly impacted as any application downloaded on an Apple device will be subject to new data tracking permissions. This means advertisers will no longer be able to rely on user tracking information to target, track, and measure the impact of their ads.

Concerns and Questions.

The real number of total users who have updated to iOS14 won’t be revealed until Q2 of 2021, leaving advertisers to wonder which platforms and applications will be affected.

Apple’s Motivations

While the update is being interpreted by some as a step towards protecting user privacy, others see it as an opportunity for Apple to monetize its platform in a new way.

Adapting to the New Landscape

Advertisers may need to shift their focus to website advertising to reach their audience, as website tracking is not impacted through this update. It’s important for advertisers to keep a close eye on the situation and adapt their strategies accordingly.


The full impact of the Apple iOS 14 update is yet to be seen, but it’s clear that advertisers will need to be nimble and creative in order to continue to reach their audience in a post-update world. As we move forward into the next era of digital advertising, it’s up to all of us to stay informed and stay ahead of the curve.

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